
汉语拼音:guān ài



  1. 险要的关口。

    《南齐书·萧景先传》:“ 惠朗 依山筑城,断塞关隘。”《水浒传》第十一回:“又过了两座关隘,方才到寨门口。” 沈从文 《过岭者》:“至于那个岭头的关隘,一礼拜前却已为白军部队占领去了。”

  2. 比喻起决定作用的转折点。

    明 姚士粦 《见只编》卷上:“嗟乎!刹那炎冷能转善为败,如此乃知炎冷二字是一进退关隘。” 克非 《春潮急》二二:“可是,而今在这社会主义革命的关隘面前,竟过不去,竟行不通。”


    • Men were detached to defend the pass.


    • For hundreds of years, St Bernard dogs have saved the lives of travellers corssing the dangerous pass.

      几百年来, 圣·伯纳德的狗挽救了许多穿越这个危险关隘旅行者的生命.

    • The famous monastery of St Bernard , which was founded in the elventh century, lies about a mile away.

      著名的圣·伯纳德修道院是11世纪建立的, 它座落在离开关隘一英里的地方.

    • " The carriage left the streets behind, passed the North Barrier, and emerged upon the country road.

      “ 马车把街道丢在后面, 穿过北门关隘进入乡间道路.

    • I have mud Weicheng, White and other ancient customs pass.

      有泥澄口 、 白皮关等古关隘.

    • The pass was heavily guarded.


    • The pass heavily guarded.


    • Ancient Chinese outbound traffic of the throat of the land, it is inevitable Silk Road pass.

      中国古代陆路对外交通咽喉之地, 是丝绸之路南路必经的关隘.

    • The territory of - feng Huang different processes - Year Plan and North - South confrontation, Yamaguchi - stacked peaks, narrow pass Road.

      境内大黄山异峰突起,与十五里山口 南北 对峙, 重峦叠嶂, 关隘道狭.

    • The ground, porch also is a pass. Between and, the arrangement of porch from accumulate mystery.

      方寸之地, 玄关也是一道关隘.进进出出之间, 玄关的安排自蕴玄机.

