' secondly, hospital directors should be appointed mainly on the basis of open competition and competitive selection. "
However the evolutionary species that survive, the tortoise preferred species so good?
然而物种进化论里说物种择优生存, 乌龟那么优秀 吗 ?
The present paper presents a new method for constructing optimal quantisation tables.
Industrial projects are selected carefully, and pollution prevention and control are strengthened.
——择优选择工业项目, 加强污染防治.
Our company will admit the best applicants among the competitors.
It was also found that Ag is the preferential sputtering element for the AgNi alloys.
Then the grains grew towards the interior by preferred growth of recrystallized grains in the layer.
Publishers can be offered for open tender within the national market, the probability of printer.
出版社可以在全国市场内公开招标, 择优选择承印企业.
The preferred orientation of settled nickel layer didn't change with the concentration of thiourea.
Crystals in developed dendrite with part orientation have inferior property than the former.
Dynamic thinking is a of motion, adjust a gender, the thinking means that ceaseless choose optimizes.
动态思维则是一种运动的 、 调整性的 、 不断择优化的思维方式.
Seventh, we should give priority to developing and towns to enlarge their functions and vitality.
Project applicants are encouraged to cross - sectoral and inter - unit project team members to recruit.
鼓励项目申请者 跨 部门、 跨 单位择优聘用项目组成员.