Such activities used to be forbidden by Vietnam's dour Communist ideologues, who railed against "backward superstitions" .
这样的活动过去曾被越南反对“落后迷信”的共产主义理论家所严令禁止。Reuters news agency quoted a source saying: "Liu has several cars but is not allowed to drive for fear of getting injured. "
据《路透社》报道:为了保障刘翔的人身安全,他虽然有数量私家车,但却被严令禁止亲自驾驶;Martial law is something those at the top desire, to prevent erosion of their control over assets and manpower.
戒严令是那些顶层的人想要的,来阻止对其资产和资源控制的侵蚀。The traffic in drug is absolutely prohibited in most countries of the word.
贩卖毒品在世界上大多数国家都是严令禁止的。Military government is placed within the domain of international law, while martial law is within the cognizance of municipal law.
军事政府是被置于国际法领域内,而戒严令是在国内法之认定内。It requires cooperation and collaboration and is based more on voluntary action than strict regulation.
这要求合作和协作,是基于自愿的行为,而非严令法规。Scruffy trousers, jeans, ostentatious jewelry and outrageous hair styles and colors are strictly banned.
邋遢的裤子,牛仔裤,招摇的珠宝,怪异的发型和发色都是被严令禁止的。I wanted to make sure I issued very strict instructions about not smoking anywhere in the building.
我要确保向他们严令禁止在这栋楼里的任何地方吸烟。The replacement of the signature of the applicant or insured people by sales person is forbidden .