The amulet she is wearing has been blessed by eminent monks.
After accomplishing his charitable and pious deeds, this eminent monk passed way.
This distinguished monk is devoted to spreading the glory of the Buddha.
Every morning at 4:30, the temple's sound system starts up thethe phlegmatic, the temple's master monk.
每天清晨四点半, 寺庙的音响系统就开始工作了,期间还夹杂着寺内高僧平直的诵经声.
Most noticeably, there are now many people with their city - life puzzles seeking for eminent monks'advice.
最值得注意的是, 现在有很多人带着都市生活里的困惑去求教高僧.
The abbot of this temple is a monk of great achievements in the Tao.
The bell of Fayin Temple sounds melodious, just like immerging in dreamland and the hierarch sermons.
法荫寺古刹钟声悠扬, 疑处梦境,有道高僧讲经颂法,佛光普照.
Before 1956, the temple had a repository for a relic of Monk Xuan Zhuang of Tang.
1956年前, 寺院内还供奉唐代高僧玄奘法师的舍利.
This swordsmanship set is taught by a senior monk at the Shaolin Temple.
After the death of the monk cremation, the ashes remain in the stone - like material.
有道高僧圆寂火化之后, 骨灰中存留的结石样物质.
Inside the pagoda in the backyard of the temple, there lay the remains of the dignitary.
寺庙后院的灵塔, 存放着这位高僧的遗骨.