Here is the remains of a mosque.
The city's three biggest mosques, long fallen into disrepair, have been renovated.
城里最大的三座清真寺, 过去年久失修, 现在已经修复.
All the mosques of the cities are illuminating with phrases, motivating people to fast.
城里所有的清真寺都贴上了标语警句, 用来激励人们禁食.
The mosque was built in the Ming Dynasty, the River in 1819 flooded flooding.
清真寺始建于明朝, 1819年永定河发大水被淹.
It is a former patriarchal basilica, later a mosque, now a museum located in Istanbul, Turkey.
它先是一个古代族长的会堂, 后来变成清真寺, 现在成了土耳其伊斯坦布尔当地的博物馆.
Turks occupy Constantinople in the 15 th century, make this holy Sophia church into the mosque.
15世纪时土耳其人侵占君士坦丁堡, 把这座圣索菲亚教堂改成清真寺.
The mosque is a activity site and culture center of Muslim religion.
Some years ago the clock in the tower of the mosque got out of order.
A place of worship, eg a church, mosque or synagogue.
拜神的地方(如教堂 、 清真寺或犹太会堂).
Several Ahmadiyah mosques in Indonesia have been attacked or burned over the past few months.
Canton became the chief trading port, famed for its mosques and Mohammedan sepulchers.
广州成了主要的港口, 因为清真寺还有穆哈默德的圣物而出名.
Participants went to a church, synagogue, or mosque at least once a week.
参与者每周至少去一次礼拜堂 、 犹太教堂或清真寺.
The mosque was raised high above the ground with its door inhospitably bolted.
Muslim worshippers circle the Kaaba at Mecca's Grand Mosque during Ramadan.
Nowadays, mosque adapts the development of the times and still has important function.
第五, 清真寺在适应社会的发展过程中发挥了自身的作用,积极投身于社会公益事业.
Yes, I used to love the mosque, and I loved the river too.
确实, 我曾经喜欢清真寺, 也喜欢小河.
Towering over and sitting between the Rest House and the Mosque is the Dome.
Headlining beside one of the world's largest squares, Esfahan's Emam Mosque is a tiled wonder.
在伊斯法罕世界上最大的广场之一的旁边, 巍然耸立着伊玛目清真寺.这是一处磁砖搭建的胜景.
In Old Delhi you will find many mosques, monuments and forts relating to India's Muslim history.
在旧德里你会发现许多与印度穆斯林历史有关的清真寺 、 纪念碑和城堡.
People already made arrangements for foreign travel, anticipating the satisfactions of seeing the mosques of Istanbul.
人们已决定去国外作一次旅行, 渴望看一看伊斯坦布尔的清真寺.
Every Friday morning, Wang worships at the mosque on Shaoxing Dao and Guangdong Lu.
每个星期五上午, 王先生在附近的清真寺做礼拜.
To the East of the Taj is another building that looks just like the Mosque.
He said that one section included mosques, built by the Islamic people who dwelled there.
他说该市某处有不少清真寺, 都是当地的伊斯兰教信徒建造的.
The vocabulary of the mosque: the minaret, the mihrab and the minbar.
清真寺这个单词: 尖塔 、 祭坛和敏拜楼.
Development Tongbai mosque, has a long history, ancient mysterious era.
开发区桐柏清真寺, 历史悠久, 年代邃古.
Indian Muslims pray in a mosque in Delhi during the Corban, Oct. 14.
10月14日,印度德里. 正在清真寺前祈祷的印度穆斯林.
Muslim man prayed during at a mosque in Malaga , southern Spain, Monday.
斋月, 一名穆斯林男子在马拉加的一间清真寺内祷告.
Initially the mosque was evacuated and barricaded as police specialists searched for more bombs.
At the center of the mosque stands a huge, richly decorated church.
在清真寺的中央竖立一座庞大的, 装饰富丽堂皇的教堂.
The mosque debate was a moment for a speech of that kind.