
汉语拼音:bá hé



  1. 我国传统的一项体育运动。人数相等的两队,分别握住长绳两端,双方用力拉绳,把绳上系着的标志拉过规定界线为胜。

    唐 封演 《封氏闻见记·拔河》:“拔河,古谓之牵鉤……今民则用大麻絙长四五十丈,两头分繫小索数百条挂於胸前,分二朋,两向齐挽,当大絙之中立大旗为界,震鼓叫噪,使相牵引,以却者为胜,就者为输,名曰拔河。”《新唐书·中宗纪》:“ 景龙 三年……及皇后幸 玄武门 ,观宫女拔河,为宫市以嬉。” 宋 梅尧臣 《江学士画鬼拔河篇》:“分明八鬼拔河戏,中建二旗观却前。” 高云览 《小城春秋》第八章:“这一下,油纸伞变成降落伞,两人紧紧的把它拉住,像跟顽皮的风拔河。”


    • The sailors won at tug-of-war.


    • In a tug - of - war , the competitors pull as hard as they can.

      在拔河比赛中, 双方队员都拼命地拉.

    • Invite Mr. Bartleman to take skip - rope, tug - of - war and hoop rolled match.

      邀请巴特曼先生参加三 -- 五年级的跳绳 、 拔河、滚铁环比赛.

    • The tug of war ended when both teams tumbled in a heap.


    • We both teams refuse to lose in the push - and - pull game.

      拔河 比赛中,我们双方都不甘示弱.

    • This financial war energy is more uncomfortable than anything else.


    • The most surprising event of Olympic yesteryear , however , is Tug of War.

      如果说最令人惊奇的前奥运项目, 莫过于拔河.

    • These include the sports of golf and tug of war.


    • Wang Ping: Another kind is the " tug of war across the banks "

      王平: 还有一项叫 “ 隔岸拔河 ”

    • The scene of tug - of - war is just too funny for words.


    • Student B: Tug of war by ten thousands people?

      学生乙: 万人拔河?

    • When we played tug - of - war today, a tooth mine fell out.

      今天玩拔河的时候, 一颗牙齿掉下来了.

    • The tug - of - war ended when both teams tumbled in a heap.


    • Let's take part in tug - of - war.

      我们一起参加拔河比赛 吧.

    • Tug - of - war was an Olympic event from 1900 - 1920.

      从1900年至1920年, 拔河 比赛曾被列为奥运会比赛项目.