Every one of these questions help you determine if your framework's community is going to be of use.
每一个问题都会帮助你决定能否用的上所选框架的开发社区。Through the two parts, question of "whether democracy can be looked on with liberty" is answered.
通过这两部分的论述,回答“能否以自由看待民主”的问题。This effected my ability to father my children properly, but I chalked it up to "being busy for the Lord. "
这影响到我能否恰当地作好孩子们的父亲,不过我把它归结为“为上帝而忙”。I did not know if all the related information could add up to form a clear picture of him .
不知道所有这些相关的信息能否凑成一副关于他的清晰的图画。So who sues whom for divorce and where? How much money will be awarded to whom?
那么谁申请离婚、在那儿离婚、给对方多少钱、对方能否拿到、怎么拿到?I wonder whether all these related information could add up to one clear picture of him.
不知道所有这些相关信息能否凑成一副关于他的清晰图画。Proper selection of the die material and of the die manufacturing technique determines, to a large extent, the useful life of forging dies.
能否恰当的选择铸型材料和铸型生产工艺很大程度上取决于锻模的使用寿命。It will be interesting to see what direction the new DSM is going in, and whether it stands up to analysis.
观察这新的DSM往哪个方向走将变得非常有趣,无论他能否经得起分析。But whether such information can be standardised enough to be computer-readable for comparison on company websites is questionable.