The couple treats the dog with loving care, just as if it was their child.
夫妻俩对它疼爱倍至,让人觉得它就是他们的孩子。The old man cherishes that girl , as if she were his own daughter.
老人疼爱那女孩,就好像她是自己的女儿一样。A woman has got to love a bad man once or twice in her life to be thankful for a good one!
一个女人一辈子总得喜欢上一两个坏男人,才能对疼爱自己的男人心存感激…But they loved Elsa so much that they did not like to have her do any work; very foolishly, they let her play all the time.
可是这对父母是多么荒唐呀,因为他们非常疼爱埃尔莎,就让她一直玩啊玩,从不给她什么家务活干。My grandfather is very kind to me. My grandfather is also warm-hearted to his neighbors and is always ready to help them.
姥爷很疼爱我。姥爷对邻居也很热心,他总是乐于助人。I grew up in the love of a family. Without Mum and Dad, none of my story would be here for the telling.
我在家人疼爱中长大,要是没有爹妈,就不会有我在这里所要讲的事了。Because all this advice came from people who I love dearly, I decided to move on with my life not sharing with the world my entire truth.
因为所有这些建议都来自我最疼爱的人们,所以我决定继续过自己的生活,不和这个世界分享全部的真相。In her manner she was all the more gentle and anxious for her children, as if she loved them very much.
她的举止和态度都会显得对孩子们格外柔情,格外体贴,似乎她是真心地疼爱他们。Bad things continue to occur, parents would not love a child as I had a full day with my scores and those of others for comparison.