
汉语拼音:tǔ qì




  1. 发出声气。

    《庄子·刻意》“语仁义忠信,恭俭推让,为修而已矣” 唐 成玄英 疏:“发辞吐气,则语及仁义,用兹等法为修身之本。” 汉 班固 《东都赋》:“咸含和而吐气,颂曰:盛哉乎斯世!” 唐 罗隐 《谗书·序陆生东游》:“一年,遇生於 靖安里 中,相其吐气出词,落然有正人风骨。” 宋 文彦博 《过燕川渡》诗:“诸公共游不知疲,长吟吐气如虹蜺。”

  2. 呼出气。


  3. 舒发受压抑之气;发泄怨气。

    唐 李白 《梁甫吟》:“寧羞白髮照清水,逢时吐气思经纶。” 明 姚士粦 《见只编》卷中:“其记污辱宫闈,至不忍读,葢必 宋 人借此吐气耳。” 清 黄景仁 《上朱笥河先生》诗:“十年吟苦霜鬢丝,一编吐气今其时。” 孙中山 《民族主义》第五讲:“ 闽 粤 向多各姓械斗的事,起因多是为这一姓对于那一姓,名分上或私人上小有凌辱侵占,便不惜牺牲无数金钱生命,求为姓中吐气。”

  4. 散发元气。


  5. 显现生机。

    南朝 梁 陶弘景 《与梁武帝启》:“夫以含心之荄,实伺夹钟吐气。”

  6. 散发烟气。

    汉 李尤 《薰炉铭》:“上似 蓬莱 ,吐气委虵。”

  7. 语音学上指送气。


    • Take a deep breath and blow.


    • Now put your face down in the water and make bubbles.


    • The process of respiration involves two major processes: inspiration and expiration.

      呼吸的过程包含了两个主要的阶段: 吸气和吐气.

    • In the subtle gap between breaths, you are at your center.

      在那空中,在吸气和吐气之间, 你在你的中心.

    • Always breathing ( inhale exhale properly ) your body can feel very relaxing.


    • I must treat the transparent glass to aspirate gently.


    • He finally redressed the grievance and vented his spleen.


    • Most of the girls breathe with their left nose, so their heart gets cold easily.

      女生大部分吸气、吐气在左边, 所以心比较会凉快.

    • As waves struck him he exhaled, inhaling as they carried him upon their crests.

      他在浪头打来时吐气, 在浪峰上吸气.

    • Do u notice the moment we wake up, which side breathes faster? Left or right?

      我们起床时,可以注意哪边吸气 、 吐气比较快? 左边或右边?

    • The abdomen should expand outward as you inhale and contract as you exhale.


    • Standing upright, exhale as you bring the palms together at the chest in the Prayer position.

      01站立, 一边吐气一边把双手放到胸前合掌.

    • Most of the guys breathe with their right nose, so they get angry easily.

      男生大部分吸气、吐气在右边, 所以他们比较会生气.