Up to this point, the initiative process had been described as a "safety valve" . Now it became an industry and a circus.
在这之前,创议制被认为是一个“安全阀”,现在它成了一个产业,一个马戏团。Confrontation replaces compromise as minority factions battle one another with rival initiatives.
当少数派团体以相互敌对的创议争斗时,对抗取代了妥协。Tom : Whover does the doctor text advise her to do?
汤姆:医生创议她做些什么?So tonight I feel proposing thduring the st gooding this year we freeze annual domestic spending for the next five years.
所以此日早晨,我创议从本年先导,解冻异日五年局限年度国际项目支出。The initiative culture as it exists in California today may thus resemble James Madison's worst nightmare.
因此今日加州所存之创议制文化也许正如麦迪逊(JamesMadison)的最糟梦魇。In this Californian election voters had to decide on three new types of balloting: referendums, recalls and initiatives.
在加州该次选举中,选民必须在三种投票制度上进行抉择:公决制、罢免制和创议制。As the numbers of initiatives surged, the qualification process changed beyond recognition.
当创议的数量飙升时,资格审查程序变得难以辨识。And whereas Switzerland ensures that different initiatives are mutually compatible, California makes no such effort.
当瑞士确保不同的创议是相互兼容时,加州从未这样努力过。The doctor stingesteds him to do more exercises.