Reduction of contact area between cohesive soil and the surface of dredging tools is able to decrease soil adhesion and cutting resistance.
降低粘性土壤对刀齿表面接触面积可以减小土壤对刀齿的粘附和降低刀齿切削土壤的阻力。Although adhesion of HP is a crucial progress in pathogenicity, the adhering ability of HP to stomach mucosa is not the only key factor.
在致病性中,粘附固然是首要条件,但并非引起胃粘膜病变的唯一关键因素。It may then become permanent on the surface or fall off AS a result of abrASion.
这些纤维球可能会永远粘附在织物表面,或由于摩擦而脱落。The invention aims at proposing a tool used for testing the adhesion property between an exterior trimming part and an arc automobile body.
本发明的目的是提出一种方便测试外饰件与弧形车身之间粘附性能的工装。Chlorinated paraffin wax was painted uniformly on the surface of the softening annealing metal sheet with remaining heat for lubrication.
在有余热的软化退火板料上涂覆氯化石蜡润滑,使润滑剂均匀粘附在板料表面,润滑效果好。The non-attaching layer is formed at least on a region among the projections.
非粘附层形成于至少突起中的区域上。If bubbles of hydrogen gas adhere to the cathode surface, plating is prevented around the bubble and a pit in the coating results.
如果氢气泡粘附到阴极表面上,气泡周围的镀覆就会停止,于是形成一个麻点。The leucorrhea sticks to the inside of nympha and vaginal mucosa , when massaging, , it will be easy to bleed.
白带粘附于小阴唇内侧及阴道粘膜,磨擦易出血。Drag a Drop- down Menu Item shape , glue it to the bottom of the Top- level menu item , and type a name .