She sealed the parcel with cohesive tape.
Iszard and Wilks used a differential technique to study the surface coating on cellophane.
The fibers with moderate abrasion resistance include wool, cotton, and the high wet - modulus rayons.
具有中等耐磨损性能的纤维有羊毛 、 棉花和高湿模量粘胶纤维.
Allowed are inlays of natural fibres and viscose only.
CONCLUSION : Gluten sensitivity is not associated with MS in Iran.
Glues for veneers, plywood, interior woodwork such as panels and so on.
用来粘合美耐板 、 三夹板, 或是壁板、门板等室内木制品的粘胶.
The Company processing various automation equipment, various tests of governance, viscose equipment.
本公司加工各种自动化设备, 各种测试治具, 粘胶设备.
In better sportswear, cotton or rayon bias binding is used.
Anti - mycophenolate borers its good performance in wool, cotton and viscose.
它的 抗 霉蛀性能好于羊毛 、 棉和粘胶.
As a result, the occurrence of cracks theproduct side can be prevented.
With adhesive foam bottom surface, fix the cables feasible, fast, simply.
座底带粘胶泡棉, 固定电线可靠, 快捷, 简单.
Viscose AIDS temperature range than the minimum temperature extensive pressure - sensitive labels.
Surplus glue is easily trimmed away with a sharp knife.
Short slashed velvet jacket in dark floral print. 71 % Viscose, 29 % Silk.
短款丝绒马甲,黑色印花图案,71%粘胶, 29%真丝.
The paperhanger is working with sticky wallpaper.