Wheel squeal is associated with a complex combination of creepage and a mechanism known as stick-slip.
车轮的尖啸噪声与蠕滑及粘滑的组合机械运动有关。any of various terrestrial gastropods having an elongated slimy body and no external shell.
各种陆栖的腹足动物,身体粘滑而细长,无外壳。The torque feedback system is a successful technology for eliminating stick-slip vibration of drill-string assembly.
扭矩负反馈减振是控制和消除钻柱周向粘滑振动较为有效的方法之一。The system steady-state error and the stick-slip phenomenon caused by the nonlinear friction are analyzed.
分析了由非线性摩擦力矩引起的系统稳态误差及粘滑振荡现象;The friction between gabbro and marble exhibited stick-slip with visible displacement weakening.
辉长岩与大理岩之间的摩擦出现粘滑,位移弱化现象非常显著。there is no stick-slip effect of rolling contact bearings, starting torque is small, run a small friction.
滚动接触轴承没有粘滑效应,起动转矩小,运行摩擦力小。This same stick-slip mechanism has been strongly implicated in the formation of short-pitch corrugation and associated roaring noise.
短波的波浪磨耗的形成及由此产生的轰鸣噪声也与这种粘滑机械运动密切相关。On the basis of open loop dynamics and Lagrange method, a dynamic model is developed which takes friction into account.
基于操作手的开环动力学和拉格朗日方法,建立了一个考虑粘滑现象的装配过程的通用动力学模型。Most of you are rather intimidated by slimy sea things - jelly fish, sea cucumbers.