The low paint bath viscosity (approximately equal to that of water) results in ease of pumping and allows drainage of the coated vehicle.
槽液粘度低(大约等于水的粘度),泵送容易,也利于被涂车身的沥干。How much high viscosity mud move you mixed?
高粘度泥浆配备了多少?The viscosity of the bleaching composition is controlled by an admixture of a thickener and a hydrocarbon.
所述漂白组合物的粘度通过增稠剂和烃的混合物控制。When ultrasound irradiates the oil and the surface active agent is mixed into, the emulsion is stable and its viscosity is smaller.
在原油中掺入表面活性剂,再经超声处理后,形成的乳状液比较稳定,其粘度也较小。Three parts, bearing in mind that water coating is not easy to control volume, viscosity control is critical.
要注意水性上光油的涂布量是不容易控制的,因此粘度的控制至关重要。DAB out: A means of comparing or examining ink properties such as tack or ink it down to a thin film on the ink slab with a circular motion.
拍试:手来检查或比较油墨特性如粘度和颜色的方法。用手指掭取小量油墨,在油墨械一以打圈方式把它分薄。Easy crystallization and easy to solidification of the medium and high viscosity should be used in the structure of large rotary spring.
易结晶、易凝固和高粘度的介质,应采用大弹簧旋转式结构。Features: filter size, corrosion resistance, high temperature, applied to the liquid viscosity, easy to clean, can be used repeatedly.
产品价格特点:过滤面积大,耐腐蚀、耐高温、适用于粘度较大的液体,便于清洗,可反复使用。The results show that it is possible to determine dynamic viscosity and water content of engine lubricant.