Adhesive layer must also be in a dedicated extruder melting, as a separate layer is being fed into a mould.
粘合层也必须在一个专用挤出机中熔化,作为单独增加的一层送入模具。In the end is often found in a section of fallow years and a bond can not be broken in the heart.
到最后发现的往往是一段荒废的岁月和一颗破碎得不能粘合的心。The present invention relates to a synthetic resin emulsion used for preparing building binding agent and its preparation method.
本发明涉及一种用于制备建筑粘合剂的合成树脂乳液及其制备方法。When applying adhesive care must be taken to see that no adhesive reaches the sliding surface.
涂粘合剂时,必须小心不能让粘合剂碰到滑动表面。The assembly comprises an electronic device having a body and an adhesive coating on at least the body of the electronic device.
该组合件在轮胎中或上使用。该组合件包括具有主体和在至少电子装置主体上的粘合剂涂层的电子装置。The ink material comprises a UV curable screen printing ink which contains a resinous binder, a hardener, and a fine particulate filler.
油墨材料包括可UV固化的网印油墨,所述网印油墨含有树脂粘合剂、硬化剂和微粒填料。Mr. Branch sent regards. "The boys were the soul of this house, " he said. "And you were the glue that held us all together. "
布朗奇先生向孩子们表示关心。“孩子们是这座房子的灵魂,”他说,“他们是把我们联系到一起的粘合剂。”And that could help materials scientists trying to create an adhesive-free, reusable tape that mimics the geckos' sticky skills.
而且,这可能会有助于物料科学家们模仿壁虎的粘贴技巧,创造出一种不用粘合剂的、可重复使用的胶带。A strong plastic bonded depends on adhesive paper, plastic, so that the two completely different material into a strong one.