汉语拼音:zuò yǐ dài bì
- 【解释】:坐着等死。形容在极端困难中,不积极想办法找出路。
- 【出自】:三国蜀·诸葛亮《后出师表》:“然不伐贼,王业亦亡,惟坐而待亡,孰与伐之。”
- 【示例】:哪里有压迫,哪里就有反抗。人民大众不会~。
- 【语法】:连动式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含贬义
May we all have our hopes, our will to try. If we don't we might as well lay down and die. You and I.
愿我们都怀有希望和意志去努力,如果没有,就犹如坐以待毙,你我皆然。I told the officials of Judah that we needed to start building the wall and the temple so they do not lie in waste forever.
我告诉犹尼亚的长官,我们需要重新修建城墙和神殿,我们决不能就这样坐以待毙。Being surrounded with no means of escape, it looks as if we must await our doom.
我们被包围得水泄不通,无法突围,只好坐以待毙。But would not already no longer. Starfish instead, Linda want on the starfish, starfish and would put heidegger's group back.
可是海星已今非昔比,岂会坐以待毙,林大要踩下海星,海星又何尝不想把海氏集团夺回。The general opinion currently is that the best answer to MRSA is an active control programmed, and inaction being unacceptable.
现在普遍认为对付MRSA的最好方式是采用积极的控制方案,而不是坐以待毙。We had to either fight to the end or wait for our death. There was no middle point.
我们要么战斗到底,要么坐以待毙,没有折中的办法。Unless they find this information out for themselves or are told about it, they sit there suffering and not receiving a potential benefit.
除非他们发现信息过时了或者他们得到告知,否则他们只会坐以待毙而非得到潜在好处。Of course, the paper does not lay down, way out is in the affirmative, but it will take us to open up.
当然,报纸不会坐以待毙,出路是有的,但需要我们去开拓。It would be hazardous, but no more than waiting here for certain detection.