汉语拼音:bèi dào ér chí
- 【解释】:背:背向;道:道路;驰:奔跑。朝相反的方向跑去。比喻彼此的方向和目的完全相反。
- 【出自】:唐·柳宗元《〈杨评事文集〉后序》:“其余各探一隅,相与背驰于道者,其去弥远。”
- 【示例】:道学先生于是乎从而禁之,虽然很象~,其实倒是心心相印。
◎鲁迅《坟·从胡须说到牙齿》 - 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语;形容越跑越远,永远达不到目的
Culture is the most easy to produce the collision of innovation, especially the idea of two distinct run even some of the culture.
文化的碰撞最容易产生理念的创新,尤其是这两种截然不同甚至有些背道而驰的文化。Great teams are always built from the back and I am really surprised they are not trying to do that, considering their Coach is an Italian.
伟大的球队总是从后防线开始建设球队,因此我真的对曼城的背道而驰感到惊讶,特别是考虑到他们的教练是一个意大利人。BPM is all about creating agility, so lengthy technology implementations run counter to the BPM mission.
BPM就是要建立敏捷性,因此漫长的技术实施与BPM的任务是背道而驰的。Once you know your instinctive style, brainstorm ways to make it work for you, not against you.
一旦你知道自己的本能行为风格,采用”头脑风暴“得出让它为你效劳的途径,而不是让它与你背道而驰。Toss the ones that run counter to what you believe. They will only get in the way when you try to hear and follow your inner voice.
扔掉那些与你的信念背道而驰的信息,因为这些信息只会在你努力倾听并遵循内心的声音时成为绊脚石。But this integrated, one-bank approach is the opposite of what some of the Swiss boutique players are trying to achieve.
但是,这种综合的、“银行一体化”的思路与瑞士某些高端银行所致力实现的目标背道而驰。So the agency charged with protecting U. S. intellectual property and aiding innovation is often doing the exact opposite.
因此,该机构与美国的知识产权保护和协助创新的初衷恰恰背道而驰的。China's culture of secrecy is at odds with its invitation to foreign companies to help modernize its business sector.
中国的保密文化与其邀请外国公司助推其商业领域走向现代化的努力背道而驰。And the purchase of a noted gas- guzzling brand seems to run counter to the stated priorities of the central authorities in Beijing.