
汉语拼音:ǒu xuè



  1. 吐血。

    《左传·哀公二年》:“吾伏弢呕血,鼓音不衰。”《后汉书·孔融传》:“ 日磾 ( 马日磾 )深自恨,遂呕血而毙。”《醒世恒言·徐老仆义愤成家》:“那 萧颖士 见他呕血,情知是打上来的,心下十分懊悔。” 洪深 《歌女红牡丹》:“ 红牡丹 登场见之,悲愤交集,呕血倒地。”


    • Menstruation came haematemesis. It is normal to nosebleed?

      月经来了呕血. 流鼻血正常 吗 ?

    • Critically ill patients will be hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematochezia, urinating blood, such as bleeding.

      重症病人会出现咯血 、 呕血 、 便血 、 尿血等出血现象.

    • Serious person can have haematemesis , melaena, dehydrate even, and toxic reach shock to wait.

      严重者可有呕血 、 黑粪、甚至失水 、 以及中毒及休克等.

    • Uncontrolled bleeding from any wound also calls for professional care. So does coughing or vomiting blood.

      伤口流血不止同样需要专业的护理. 咳嗽以及呕血也是一样.

    • There are also some patients with cirrhosis showed a number of complications, such as melena, hematemesis.

      也有部分患者表现为肝硬化的一些并发症, 如黑便 、 呕血.

    • Not to use by those with bleeding ulcer withing the past 3 month.
