We visited the prehistoric burial grounds discovered last year.
Ancient tombs are main targets for archaeological investigation and excavation.
New discoveries in his tomb suggest that the first writing may have occurred during his reign.
Mausoleum: Large, impressive tomb, especially a stone Building with places for entombment of the dead aboveground.
陵墓: 大型庄严的墓葬建筑, 尤指石头堆砌的埋葬死者的地上建筑.
Pleaseavoid parking in front of an open interment site unless you arepart of a funeral procession.
Because the epitaph is unearthed, the tomb becomes a standard of the same kind of ones.
因有墓志, 故其墓葬形制和梅瓶样式为鉴定同类墓葬形制和梅瓶的标尺.
The centerpiece was a gold sarcophagus with the symbol of the Macedonian king.
According to the age of the grave , archaeologists determined that these slips to 278 BCE.
These figures began to appear during the 15 th century B.C. in Mycenaean sanctuaries and tombs.
Home sites are found, a large number of stone tools, pottery, jade, clean - up Service 253 graves.
发现有居址 、 大量石器 、 陶器 、 玉器, 清理处253座墓葬.
Guida: Sono state ritrovate finora undici sepolture che risalgono al nono secolo avanti Cristo.
游客: 发现了多少墓葬?