
汉语拼音:qiáng rèn

1.亦作“强靭”。亦作“彊韧”。1.坚硬而有韧性;坚强。《诗·郑风·将仲子》“将仲子 兮,无踰我园,无折我树檀”毛 传:“檀,彊韧之木。”郭沫若《断断集·旋乾转坤论》:“生理学告诉我们,女子反是得天独厚的。女子的体魄,无论在生诞比率与年龄比率上,都表现着有比男子更强靭的抵抗力。”



  1. 亦作“强靭”。亦作“彊韧”。

    1.坚硬而有韧性;坚强。《诗·郑风·将仲子》“ 将仲子 兮,无踰我园,无折我树檀” 毛 传:“檀,彊韧之木。” 郭沫若 《断断集·旋乾转坤论》:“生理学告诉我们,女子反是得天独厚的。女子的体魄,无论在生诞比率与年龄比率上,都表现着有比男子更强靭的抵抗力。”

  2. 强烈而持久不断。

    郭沫若 《蒲剑集·庄子与鲁迅》:“我在年青的时候,也曾经爱读过《庄子》。不仅喜欢他的文辞,并且还迷恋过他的思想。他的淡泊的生活,对于我尤具有过相当强靭的引力。” 艾青 《巴黎》诗:“解散了绯红的衣裤,赤裸着一片鲜美的肉,任性的淫荡……你!尽只是朝向我和几十万的移民,送出了强韧的、诱惑的招徕。”


    • ' steel in this class is tough, ductile and easily machined. "

      这种钢强韧, 延展性好,而且容易加工.

    • Unreinforced, Super Tough, black polybutylene terephthalate resin for injection molding.

      无加强, 超级强韧, 聚对苯二甲酸丁二酯树脂注塑.

    • Polyester fiber surface is super, tough enough to wear and long life.

      表层是超强聚酯纤维, 强韧耐用,耐磨,使用寿命长.

    • Cannong licensing Simian fiber tough, shiny white color and without any impurities.

      蚕农牌丝绵纤维强韧 、 颜色洁白光泽好、无任何杂质.

    • Such flexible and productive labour is often just what flagging economies need.


    • Super Tough, high performance, polyamide 66 resin.

      超级强韧, 高性能, 聚酰胺66树脂.

    • All over the human body, the most coriaceous and forceful muscle is tongue.

      人类全身上下, 最强韧有力的肌肉,是舌头.

    • Foam has a robust and independent foam connection, water absorption in less than 25 %. impermeability.

      发泡有强韧而独立的发泡连接, 吸水率在25%以内. 具有防潮、抗渗性能.

    • The reinforcing and toughening mechanisms of whisker reinforcing ceramic matrix composites are reviewed in this paper.


    • After much experiments, we are now ready to offer you strong, durable envelopes that will stick.

      经多次试验, 我们现5生产出强韧且耐用的压敏胶信封.

    • Hair becomes soft and flexible from hair cores, showing no mark after hair - bundle.


    • Abilities: Str 18 , Agy 14 , Sta 15 , Int 8 , Spt 13 , Cha 11.

      豁免: 强韧+3, 反射+6, 意志+5.

    • Olefin is strong and resists moisture while acrylic is light and can resist sunlight.


    • After much experiment, we are now ready to offer you strong, durable envelope that will stick.

      经多次试验, 我们现在能生产出强韧且耐用的压敏胶信封.

    • All our towels ranges are rigorously tested for strength, shrinkage, absorbency and colour fastness.

      所有毛巾均已经过严格地强韧度, 收缩性, 吸收性和色牢度测试.

