
汉语拼音:jīng hún



  1. 受惊的神态。

    唐 骆宾王 《萤火赋》:“见流光之不息,愴惊魂之屡迁。” 明 陈汝元 《金莲记·就逮》:“气冲冲枯波欲迸,恨匆匆惊魂无定。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·霍女》:“女已从榜人妇从船尾登商舟,遥顾作别,并无悽恋。 黄 惊魂离舍,嗌不能言。” 鲁迅 《且介亭杂文二集·<中国新文学大系小说集>序》:“那《戎马声中》却拉杂的记下了游学的青年为了炮火下的故乡和父母而惊魂不定的实感。”


    • He is best remembered for his chilling portrayal of Norman Bates in'Psycho '.

      他因在《惊魂记》中扮演了吓人的 诺曼·贝茨 而为人所熟知.

    • Kay was still shocked, still horrified.

      恺仍然惊魂来定, 仍然惊恐万状.

    • The director of Psycho was Alfred Hitchcock.


    • It took him ten seconds to scrape his disjoined remains together again.


    • For speed and thrills, nothing beats a roller coaster ride.

      谈到速度与惊魂体验, 云霄飞车所向无敌.

    • Anyway, I was thinking about renting Cujo.

      总之, 我想去租《狂犬惊魂记》.

    • Power saw Fright, in 2004 product terror startled Li Pian, by JamesDirects warm.

      《电锯惊魂》, 2004年出品的恐怖惊栗片, 由詹姆斯·温执导.

    • An elaborate panic room can cost anywhere from $ 50, 000 to several hundred thousand dollars.


    • He is frightened at the news that his enemy is being released from jail.


    • In 1998, Gus Van Sant directed a remake of the 1960 classic thriller, Psycho.

      1998年, 加斯·范·桑特执导了一部重拍片——1960年的经典惊险片《惊魂记》.