汉语拼音:bù kě yī shì
- 【解释】:一世:一时。认为当代的人都不行。形容目空一切、狂妄自大到了极点。
- 【出自】:宋·罗大经《鹤林玉露补遗》卷十五:“荆公少年,不可一世。”
- 【示例】:盖兴会飙举,~矣。
◎柳亚子《燕子龛遗诗序》 - 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语、定语、补语;含贬义,形容狂妄自大
If you do so, the vanity shall be kept far from you and more people willing to share life together with you not like stupid he-dog! !
如果你能够做到的话,虚荣心便会离你远去,并且越来越多的人愿意和你生活而不是那条愚蠢的不可一世的公狗!!Although all animals have been talking about it, but it is still a high head, like an all-powerful.
虽然所有的动物都对它议论纷纷,但是它仍然高昂着头,一副不可一世的样子。Her eyes flashed around her in a defiant way, rather like Tom's, and she laughed with thrilling scorn.
她两眼闪闪有光,环顾四周,俨然不可一世的神气,很像汤姆,她又放声大笑,笑声里充满了可怕的讥嘲。What also used to be modest meat and dairy enterprises have grown into formidable agri-businesses dominating Paraguayan livestock farming.
这些昔日不起眼的肉类和奶制品企业已经成为不可一世的霸主,能够在巴拉圭的农业和牲畜领域呼风唤雨。Jessie's e-mail reply has given rise to a barrage of complaint, with memories of her earlier stuck-up posture still fresh in clients' minds.
杰西的电邮回复引起了客人们纷纷的抱怨,她先前不可一世的姿态在客人们的脑海中仍历历在目。Joe seems to be on his high horse these days. This is "When the cat's away, the mice will play" .
乔这几天很不可一世,正应了那句“猫不在家,耗子成精”。However, it would be arrogant for those in Washington, DC, to assume that Japan's troubles simply reflected its macroeconomic incompetence.
但是,华盛顿那些不可一世的人却认为日本的麻烦只是反映其宏观经济调控的无能。As Tom King thus ruminated, there came to his stolid vision the form of youth, rising exultant and invincible.
就在汤姆·金这样回想的时候,在他迟钝的头脑里出现了一个趾高气扬、不可一世的青年形象。stand up when the once violent, once all-powerful bow down to the sea is like a V on your feet.