汉语拼音:yì rú fǎn zhǎng
- 【解释】:像翻一下手掌那样容易。比喻事情非常容易做。
- 【出自】:《孟子·公孙丑上》:“以齐王,由反手也。”又,“武丁朝诸侯,有天下,犹运之掌也。”汉·枚乘《上书谏吴王》:“必若所欲为,危于累卵,难于上天;变所欲为,易如反掌,安于泰山。”
- 【示例】:藩台又叫首府、首县写信出去,向外府、县替他张罗,大约一二千金,~。
◎清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》第十九回 - 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、定语、状语;比喻事情非常容易做
The gap between the present and the potentially possible can never be bridged, even if it seems easy to do so.
眼前与潜在的可能性出现鸿沟,可能永远无法弥合,虽然看起来填平它易如反掌。Nowadays, getting out of a committed relationship and getting into a new one is much easier.
时下,抛弃老相好,投进新怀抱更是易如反掌。She had felt that the changing of the world, the ending of all that echoed in her father's moaning, was the simplest thing on earth.
她却曾经觉得要改革世界,要终止她父亲诉苦的话里所显示的那一切,是易如反掌的事。At present, it is all too easy for nuclear material to be diverted from a civil programme to bomb making.
目前,想要把用于民用计划的核原料转移到用于炸弹制造,简直是易如反掌。Haha oh you think so? If I only wanted to do that, this would be an unnecessarily elaborate plan.
哈哈,哦,你这么想?如果我只是想这样,那是一个多余的煞费苦心的计划(就是易如反掌)Ordering your coffee should've been a simple task, but it probably required at least four decisions.
点咖啡本应易如反掌,但可能至少需要下四个决定。Jay like a magician in general, all the objects in his hands play smart, all changes are easy!
周董宛如魔术大师一般,所有的物件在他灵巧的双手把玩下,一切的变化都是易如反掌!Spend the next four years preparing for one of the following professions, and your job search could be a breeze.
用接下来的四年时间为以下这8种职业做准备,你将会发现找工作易如反掌。This microwave's really easy to use. You just put the food in, press this button, and Bob's your uncle!