The constant possibility that his next day could be his last has been a powerful force in Hsieh's life.
经常不变的工作可能就是他明天最后的生命终结。在谢的生命之中,延续着一个强劲有力的魄力。Do not use, will never grow if it wants to develop new business, there should be training new courage and vigor.
不使用,永远都不会成长,企业既然要培养新人,就要有培养新人的勇气和魄力。But this leads me to a question about the president. Has he, at any point in his presidency so far, demonstrated much political courage?
这就让我对总统产生了这样的疑问:到现在为止,在他的任期内他是否在任何一件事情上作出过有魄力的决策?"He looks as if he had plenty of determination, " he said, "but when you come down to brass tacks he has no backbone. "
“他看起来很果断,”他说,“可是一落实到具体问题,他就没有魄力了。”I was with her usual afternoon in a meeting, as well as exchanges, let me feel the honesty and vigor, and unremittingly honest go.
我与她是在一次平常的午后相遇,乃至交往,让我感受到诚实的魄力,并坚持不懈地诚实下去。These days, the more ability, drive and initiative a young man had, the more likely he was to have wild ideas.
这年头儿,愈是能干愈是有魄力有胆气的年青人都有些不稳的思想。you are not afraid of a strong enemy, showing his own, is the most the most vigorous and brave!
你们不畏强敌,展示了自己,就是最勇敢最有魄力的!Boldness is necessary. You must start when the timing comes. In the grounders community, risk is often with opportunities.
魄力———该出手时就出手。在创业界,往往是风险与机会并存。Some heavy-hitting investors are beginning to move in that direction, even in their own portfolios.