These restored houses overhang a system of quiet canals.
Bangkok is crisscrossed by a network of klongs.
Zhejiang is an eastern North Plain Low - lying, densely covered river.
东部属浙北平原,地势低平, 河网密布.
Many computer users are leaving themselves open to online fraud, research shows.
Shanghai with dense river net is abundant of water resources.
Some detailed arithmetics of the codification method in the DWM is presented in an appendix.
It is stated the biocords suIt'stream hardening purification in plain areas by idiographic examples.
A binary tree - based dyadic indicated codification method is proposed in the digital watershed model ( DWM ).
Berlin - A German hotel has started calculating fees according to the weight of the guest.
Song Qiaozhen Hilly mountainous west, east flat plain river network, land and water transportation.
宋桥镇西靠低丘山地, 东依地势平坦的平原河网, 水陆交通便利.
Environmentalists warn that Britain's waterways are set to be invaded by giant exotic Chinese crabs.
A binary tree - based and dyadic indicated codification method is proposed in the digital watershed model ( DWM ).
A Dutch inventor has developed a digital gravestone with an LCD display showing pictures and films.
In beautiful mountains, dense river network, is a maritime monsoon climate, cool, livable appropriate provider.
境内山色秀美, 河网密布, 属海洋性季风气候, 冬暖夏凉 、 宜居宜商.
The city covers an area of 8001 km 2 plain with fertile soil and densely covered river - nets .
全市总面积 8001 平方公里,境内一马平川,土壤肥沃,河网密布.