
汉语拼音:wéi wǎng



  1. 鱼网的一种,由网衣和网索构成的长带形状或囊形的大型网具。用两只船拉住网的两端,把鱼群围住,逐渐缩小包围圈,最后抽紧网下端的绳索。主要用以围捕密集的中上层鱼类。


    • Other fishing methods include lining , gill netting and purse - seining.


    • Highway guardrail, sports venues fence, the road network of green belt protection.

      高速公路护栏, 体育场所围网, 马路绿化带防护网.

    • Machinery and equipment protection, highway guardrail, sports venues fence, the road network of green belt protection.

      机械设备的防护, 高速公路护栏, 体育场所围网, 马路绿化带防护网.

    • Machinery and equipment protection , highway guardrail, sports venues fence, the road green belt protection net.

      机械设备的公路护栏网, 高速公路护栏, 体育场所围网, 马路绿化带防护网.

    • Three kinds of nets -- the trawl , or drag , the drift, and the seinemare widely used.

      普遍使用的 渔网 有三种,一是拖网, 又称捞网;一是漂网;还有一种大围网.

    • Have the small - sized fishermen that one person operates, also have large dragnet and purse net fishermen.

      有一人操作的小型渔船, 也有大型的拖网和围网渔船.

    • Through practice of a few years, purse net raises crab technology day attain mature.

      经过几年的实践, 围网养蟹技术日臻成熟.