Amy was aware of the little troop of travellers watching the two of them.
Twenty thousand Persian soldiers had fallen before that handful of men.
My two sections are much stronger than his two, anyway.
The commander sent a party to scout out a safer area.
A small group of soldiers were parachuted behind enemy lines.
A small troop was threading the causeway at a good pace.
A rescue team is on its way with guns and shit.
Company B Commander Deploy the 3 rd Platoon. Have them attack the flank.
第三小队散开. 敌人从侧面攻击过来了.
This fixes various online play issues, mostly concerning invitations and squad features.
解决了很多多人游戏问题, 主要是连接邀请和小队特性方面.
Other : This kind of infiltration is the FOX unit's specialty.
Other: 这种渗透行动是fox小队的专长.
Two Militant Rocket Squads: Your best bet when facing a GDI opponent.
两民兵火箭小队: 面对GDI对手时的最佳组合.
Each squadron was divided into three troops, each with three sections.
每个骑兵中队分为三个小队, 每个小队又分为三个分部.
Totems will also affect raid members, not just the local party.
图腾现在影响团队成员, 而不止是小队.
An army tactical unIt'smaller than a platoon and larger than a squad.
The team climbed the north face of the mountain.