I have always had an enquiring mind where food is concerned.
So it was the answer to the riddle he had been asking himself.
Don't just ask for something while forgetting to donate.
He buried deep within a carcass searching for a soul.
Life's long road, to seek at heart a sincere desire to live.
漫漫人生路,上下求索, 心中渴望真诚的生活.
He has devoted all his life to searching for truth.
The livelihood does not cease after the world, the journey seekswithout limits.
日月经天地不停息, 征程求索无止境.
The gentleman seeks and night for progresses.
Experience, seeking , collection nationality Chinese and foreign in formality content and excavating nationality latent rich content.
体验, 求索, 收集民族中外在的形式性内容和发掘民族中潜在的丰富内容.
To watch moon move inexorably higher is to find an unusual stillness within ourselves.
I see no ending , yet high and low I'll search with my will unbending.
路漫漫其修远兮, 吾将上下而求索.
In the long process, imagery and poet writing have changed profoundly and acquired new aesthetic qualities.
在这一艰难的“上”“下”求索中, 意象观念和创作都产生了质变,获得了新的美学特质.