
  • Paul realized that to gain Christ and be found in Him always results in knowing Him, in enjoying and experiencing Him.


  • Paul wanted to be captain but we cut the ground from under his feet by saying that Henry was the best player on the team.


  • On Christmas eve, when Paul came out of his office, a street urchin was looking around the shining new car, admiring it.


  • This young woman artist earned several thousand pounds a year, but Paul's mother only made several hundreds, and she was again dissatisfied.


  • It shows up in almost every one of these places where Paul or Peter or James talks about change, personal change.


  • them or at least putting them out of the membership of the church for a stated period until they repented.


  • There were at least three occasions on which Paul had seen Christ. On the road to Damascus, in Corinth and in Jerusalem.


  • Paul rebuked the Corinthians, not for partaking of the communion in an unworthy state but for partaking of it in an unworthy manner.


  • Paul closes the letter by speaking God's blessing of underserved love in Christ for Timothy and all those with him in Ephesus.
