The two-passenger hybrid aims to be fuel efficient, easy to repair, safe to drive and inexpensive to own.
这辆双座位的混合动力汽车的目标是省油,容易维修,驾驶安全,并且购买价格低廉。But the chances are that she would not be an easy one for Mr Obama and whoever he appoints as his National Security Adviser to manage.
但是奥巴马以及他即将任命的国安会委员都会发现希拉里不是省油的灯。We are looking to get a used van with better fuel economy, and I am going to start commuting at least a few times a week by bike.
我们指望得到一个二手的省油的搬货车,我们打算至少一周骑几次自行车上下班。The little things that you do to save fuel all adds up not only for your wallet, but for future generations and the planet Earth as well.
你为省油所做的这些小事不仅对你的钱包有意义,而且对子孙后代和整个地球都有意义。Wendy is such a hard nut to crack , I've seen her around the office for two years , but I still don't really know her .
温迪这个人不是盏省油的灯,两年来我们经常在办公室附近碰面,但是我仍然不了解他。How much reduction can the booster achieve in exhaust emission?
按装汽车省油器之后会减低多少排放废气量?fuel. A human drive, infinitely variable, do not drink oil, oil prices continue to Cuangao the face of this year, cyclists, smiling go.
省油。一匹人力驾驶,无极变速,不用喝油,面对今年油价的不断窜高,骑自行车的人,偷着乐去吧。The compact Volkswagen Beetle has always been a fuel-efficient car, but what about applying that conservationist model to a house?
大众甲虫小型轿车一直以来以省油著称,但如果将其环保主义应用于房屋又会怎样呢?customers trading in a vehicle for one with more miles per gallon can qualify for a government subsidy of up to $4, 500.