He said he was leaving for Beijing that afternoon.
他说他哪天下午就要前往北京。I'm ready to do a few things now and fade away and get ready to be a grandma one day.
我就想着现在再做一些事儿,然后就隐退等着哪天抱孙子当奶奶咯。"I'm afraid one of the dogs might be taken away, " she said.
她说:“我真害怕哪天我的其中一只狗被带走。”How bright a girl Alice is! --What does she often wear? --She often has a mini-skirt on. She's in good shape. --Show her to me some day.
爱丽斯是多麽漂亮的女孩啊!--她常穿什麽衣服呢?--她常穿一件迷你裙。她线条很美。--哪天让我见见她。As if which day having been spoken by me to have remembered one people who causes offence to lately abruptly, she is fond of Hai Zi's poem!
突然,想起了最近得罪的一个人哪天好象给我说了,她喜欢海子的诗!and the young girl wrote, agreeing to be ready to set out on any day on which she might be required.
年轻的姑娘写了回信,同意做好准备,他们需要她哪天去,她就可以动身。If the land borders were to be reopened some day, their wages would not have to be spent on long, pricey bus rides through Georgia.
如果哪天两国的陆上边界重新开放了,恐怕她们微薄的薪水也不会花在价格昂贵、贯穿格鲁吉亚回国的长途汽车上。So. He might have left me for her at some point, I don't know, but she moved to the United States, anyway.
所以,要不是她后来搬到美国去了,他没准已经在哪天甩了我去跟她了。I was expecting all along that they were going to call me up and tell me to leave Lhasa immediately.