
  • A woman named Theresa showed me that if I was brave enough to open my heart, I could love again no matter how terrible my grief.


  • It surprises me that you did not bring Mrs. Terrell along for company.


  • My name is Jonathan Zittrain, and in my recent work I've been a bit of a pessimist.


  • Trina Thompson, 27, claims Monroe College in New York did not do enough to help her find employment.


  • They were all incredibly nice to me, especially Terry Brooks, who really goes above and beyond the call of duty to help new authors.


  • Trudging back from Tristram, a bulging sack slung over one shoulder, Edward kept his head down and his eyes on the dusty road.


  • TERRY: I never know. I'm sure I'll be doing some kind of editing for television. I'll be working in a television station like this one.


  • He becomes the Dark Wanderer, leaving Tristram behind shortly before legions of foul demons attack and destroy the town and its inhabitants.


  • June 6. --Trillip brought round the shirts and, to my disgust, his charge for repairing was more than I gave for them when new.
