He knew one false move would end in death.
It is not the primary tumour that kills, but secondary growths elsewhere in the body.
The fox takes his chance with a pack of hounds which may catch him and despatch him immediately.
In such quantities, these chemical agents could also kill untold thousands.
An electric shock can kill you.
Their success over Cambodia doomed that country and therefore South Vietnam as well.
The strangest of all, to him, was the hatred , the brutal, unclocked, inexorable hatred.
最叫他觉得奇怪的是那种怨恨, 蛮横残忍的,毫不掩饰的, 置之死地而后快的怨恨.
For her house death, and her paths unto the dead.
18他的家陷入死地; 他的路偏向阴间.
Die not, poore death, nor yet canst thou kill me.
可怜的死神, 你也无法置我于死地.
If not, it will lash out at you and kill you.
不然的话, 移植的骨髓就会向你发起进攻,置你于死地.
Rescue those being away to death ; hold back those staggering toward slaughter.
Her feet go down to death; Her steps hold fast to Sheol.
5她的脚下入死地; 她的脚步迈向阴间.
Could a medication that I thought would help me actually kill me?
我曾经以为对我有利的药会置我于死地 吗 ?
If Everton were playing bottom of my garden, I'd draw the curtains.
假如埃弗顿在我的花园旁边踢球, 我会拉上所有的窗帘. (埃弗顿是利物浦的同城死地)
That is a prescription for killing the draft before it gets off.