
  • "Your son just went into cardiac arrest, and they are trying to shock him back. " It was a miracle that they brought me back.


  • And men who have sex two or more times a week halve their risk of a cardiac arrest, a study at Bristol University found.


  • His heart halted suddenly, the doctor injected him with a cardiotonic needle.


  • The woman in question had suffered a blood clot in an artery in her lung, which caused cardiac arrest and deprived her brain of oxygen.


  • In sudden cardiac arrest, the heart suddenly stops pumping blood effectively to the brain and body, causing a person to collapse.


  • Elderly is supposed not to expose suddenly to such a frigid cold because of the potential danger of heart arrest or asthma attack.


  • ANY given episode of a television medical drama is likely to feature a patient going into cardiac arrest.


  • Over the years many attempts have been made to identify who will have a cardiac arrest and who won't.


  • Police believed that the cause of death was cardiac arrest brought on by severe exhaustion.
