Keep a short list of your achievements on a note card and pull it out when your self-criticism threatens to overwhelm you.
在一张卡片纸上列出一个简短的自我成就表,每次自责情绪来袭时,就拿出来看一看。"What I wish to do is to go down into the East End and see things for myself. . . " "You don't want to live down there! "
“我想做的就是到伦敦东区去,亲自去看一看……”“你决不会愿意住在那儿吧!”She'll have time to see a bit of Beijing first.
她将有时间先看一看北京。I began to really look forward to the next one, interested to see what this author would come up with next.
我从内心里真的开始盼着下一张卡片的到来,因为我想看一看作者下一次都提供些什么精彩内容。So you can see at a glance if anyone has invented them yet, allowing you to gauge how much of a priority you can give these technologies.
所以你可以看一看是否有人曾经发明了他们,这可以让你评估一下你给予这些技术的研究的优先权是多少。Kept hearing about this headstone. Wanted to see it for ourselves.
一直说到墓石让我们来看一看它吧。This may not sound like a viable solution, but one has only to look at some of the most popular open-source software to see that it is true.
尽管这个方法听起来可能不见得有效,但是只要看一看最流行的几款开源软件产品就可以认识到其可行性。If I walk in the mud, it covers up my feet. I look around at the wriggly worms, crabs and tadpoles, and none of them can compare with me.
回头看一看那些赤虫、螃蟹与蝌蚪一类的小虫吧,哪个能同我相比哪一天!( to the old minister)You an honest man. So I want you to take a look at my new cloth and report back to me.