汉语拼音:xiōng yǒu chéng zhú
宋晁补之《赠文潜甥杨克一学文与可画竹求诗》:“与可画竹时,胸中有成竹。” 原意是画竹子以前,心里已经有了竹子的形象。后用以比喻办事以前,已经有全面的设想和安排。成:现成。
- 【解释】:原指画竹子要在心里有一幅竹子的形象。后比喻在做事之前已经拿定主意。
- 【出自】:宋·苏轼《文与可画筼筜谷偃竹记》:“故画竹,必先得成竹于胸中。”
- 【示例】:毛委员~,决定马上向南去追赶部队。
When asked by a reporter why he'd made such a foolhardy flight, Walters was ready with a pithy reply: "A man can't just sit around. "
当Walters被一名记者问及为什么进行这次莽撞的飞行时,他胸有成竹,回答得十分精炼:“人不能无所事事。”In one area of your world at least, you know the score - and you can very safely hitch your wagon to a particular horse.
至少在一定程度上,你知道最终成绩——因而你可以胸有成竹地投注。That will allow you to develop into very confident putter as you grow older, and compete in bigger tournaments throughout China.
那么这会让你成长为一名胸有成竹的推杆手,在各个国内外大型比赛中更具竞争力。as if he had something in mind to do, and slapping the dust off his clothes picked up his yellow canvas bag.
红脸后生胸有成竹地站了起来,拍拍身上的尘土,握紧了黄帆布包。Difficult as it may seem to finish the work within a month, he was quite sure of himself.
尽管在一个月内完成这项工作似乎有些困难,他还是胸有成竹。He seemed to have a well thought out plan for the matter.
对于此事他胸有成竹。Mr Brown suddenly looks calm , determined and in control. Mr Bush has an unfortunate tendency to look panicky and out of his depth .
布朗突然变得冷静、果断、胸有成竹;布什则令人遗憾地表现得惊慌失措、束手无策。He shared with me that he hadn't and this was the first time he was preparing for the exam.
他跟我分享说,他并不是胸有成竹,而且这是他第一次参加这个考试。We all have our own routines that make us more calm and prepared to go on-stage.