Literature handed down through thousands of years of wind and rain vicissitudes of life, which includes many corruption.
传世文献经过几千年的风雨沧桑,其中包含许多讹误。If you were searching for filesystem corruption, you could check these things yourself.
如果正在寻找文件系统的讹误,就可以自己检查这些。The present study emends parts of errors according to historical facts, hoping to help scholars inherit and use this book better.
作者依据史实订正了部分讹误,以期有助于学界更好地继承与利用这部文献。(The dream in question was interpreted to mean that Osman would found an imperial house; "Ottoman" is the European corruption of his name).
曾有人认为奥斯曼的“梦想”就是要兴建一座王宫;“Ottoman”一词是欧洲人在使用奥斯曼名字时的讹误。But until now, most of the views concerning the initiator of Taiwan independence prove wrong, which incorrectly relay erroneous messages.
但迄今为止有关“台民自主”首倡者的说法讹误甚多,以至以讹传讹。Worse, the internal data structure used by the task scheduler could become corrupt.
更糟的是,任务调度程序所用的内部数据结构会变成讹误。However, there is a small amount of corruption Explanation, after I have done some revisions [1], and recently the individual changes.
不过,释文存在少量讹误,此前我曾做过一些订正[1],最近又有个别改动。He copied the text carelessly so that it was corrupted.
他抄写原文时很粗心,以致出现讹误。However, at present there is few academic research on him.