汉语拼音:shù shǒu wú cè
- 【解释】:策:办法。遇到问题,就象手被捆住一样,一点办法也没有。
- 【出自】:元·无名氏《宋季三朝政要》:“(秦)桧死而逆亮(金主完颜亮)南牧,孰不束手无策。”
- 【示例】:梅飏仁正在~的时候,听了师爷的话说甚是中听,立刻照办。
◎清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》第五十五回 - 【语法】:连动式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含贬义
She said: 'He was always sick and we noticed he wasn't growing so we took him to see a doctor but they were baffled. '
她说:“他经常生病,我们也注意到他不长个儿,当他去看医生时,医生也束手无策。”A social danger with sexing is that material can be very easily and widely promulgated, over which the originator has no control.
“性短信”带来的社会危害之一是短信内容可以被轻易地广泛传播,而始发送者对此却束手无策。She looked from Macphail to his wife, standing helplessly in different parts of the room, like lost souls, and she pursed her lips.
她看看麦克费尔,又看看他太太,这两个人束手无策地站在房间的两头,活象丢魂失魂的,于是她抿了抿嘴。One then started smashing me with a plastic sword, and as I lay helpless on the floor the other one peed on me.
一个用塑料剑打我,一个在我身上撒尿,我束手无策地躺在地板上。Holiday travel is not going to be as easy as some would hope. Winter storms have left thousands of passengers stranded across the U.
节假旅行将不再像有些美国人期望的那么容易,暴风雪使得美国数千万旅客束手无策。From being a shoo-in at the next election, the man who was supposed to have tamed the terrorists is now looking more like a has-been.
从稳拿下届选举的事实上来看,这个人本应是将恐怖分子绳之以法,却更像是被其搞得束手无策。It always surprised him that she could laugh in spite of the constant pain from her hip that the doctors had never been able to fix.
他一直觉得惊奇:她的髋骨总是疼,医生对此也束手无策,而她却能笑得出来。(宾语转换为主语)"I'm at my wit's end, " I'd say. Still I was sure that this child needed to feel some warmth from me.
我得说“我已经束手无策了”,但我依然确信这个孩子需要从我这里感受到一些温暖。With all options closed, he said, the government's hands were tied.