In March Mr Salinas shut down the city's oil refinery at a cost of $500 million and 5,000 jobs.
The enemy had a surplus of refining capacity.
Sulfonic acid is a foaming acid available from some of the oil companies.
An integrated industrial system has been formed in ( China's ) petroleum refining industry.
我国炼油工业已经形成完整的 工业体系.
World Collapse In Fuel Demand Likely To Halt Refinery Construction.
To melt ( lard, for example ) to separate out impurities; render.
提炼焙化 ( 如,猪油 ) 以分离出油渣; 炼油.
Sinopec, China's largest oil refiner, is also a major service - station operator.
Industrial orientation: Oil refining fine chemical industry engineering plastics synthetic rubber.
Exports of refined oil products increased 6.5 % to 147.6 million euros.
This suggests destocking by refiners, not a fall in underlying oil demand.
这说明,炼油商们在压缩库存, 而并非基础石油需求下降.
An important new industry, oil refining, grew after the Civil War.
一种重要的新兴工业 —— 炼油业在国内战争后成长起来.
This point out that the bounce of pollution index should be notable.
According to Brazil PETROSIX technology, a retorting experimental rig up.
模拟巴西PETROSIX炼油工艺自行设计搭建实验装置, 对桦甸油页岩干馏制得半焦.
Oil refining , Petroleum, Chemical industry, Ocean developing industry, paper industry, fertilizer industry.
炼油工业 、 石油工业 、 海洋开发 、 造纸工业 、 化肥工业等.
Hurricane Katrina highlighted how little spare refinement capacity there is.