
汉语拼音:shǔ dì



  1. (zhǔ dì)至地,接触地面。

    《吕氏春秋·明理》:“其气有上不属天,下不属地。” 清 戴名世 《古樟记》:“枝之出於垣外者,皆成干屈曲下属地。其北一枝尤奇,直入土中。”

  2. (shǔ dì)指隶属或附属于他国、他地区的国家或地区。


    • Sark is a dependency of Guernscy.


    • His property here, his place, his house, everything is in such respectable and excellent condition!

      他在这儿的产业, 他的属地, 他的住宅, 一切都处于令人肃然起敬的出色状态.

    • Satan, sin, self, darkness, and worldliness predominate among all people on earth.

      撒但 、 罪 、 己 、 黑暗和属地事物,辖制了全地的人.

    • This wisdom descendeth not from above , but is earthly, sensual, devilish.

      15这样的智慧,不是从上头来的, 乃是属地的, 属情欲的, 属鬼魔的.

    • The territory no longer precedes the map, nor survives it.

      属地不再先于地图存在, 也不会比地图存在得更久远.

    • After a few months, the ninety - nine brothers returned to their provinces.

      几个月之后, 国王的 九十九 个兄弟返回了他们的属地.

    • The tabular concrete foundation in architectural engineering is of underground engineering.


    • Execute apanage management, unit autonomy of responsible, dweller, community serves mode.

      实行属地治理 、 单位负责 、 居民自治 、 社区服务模式.

    • Generally accepted in criminal cases based on the principle of territorial jurisdiction.


    • In 1463 became Turkey's possessions in 1908 by Austro - Hungarian Empire occupied.

      1463年后成为土耳其属地,1908年被奥 匈 帝国占领.

    • Unemployed insurance executes apanage management.


    • Firstly, the principle of dependency administration calls for consolidation and development of community health service.

      首先, 属地管理原则要求巩固和发展社区卫生服务.

    • Program code comes with phone, code area code dependency database login user name: admin, password: 0000.

      程序源码自带手机 、 邮编、区号属地数据库,登录用户名: 管理员, 密码: 0000.

    • They sit in and for the occupied and thus exercise their jurisdiction on a territorial basis.


    • However, territorial management, the hospital is facing after the change of responsibilities and functions.

      但是, 属地化管理之后, 医院面临的是转变后的责任和职能的变化.