
汉语拼音:dōng jīng


2.五代、北宋时称开封为东京(称洛阳为西京),辽、金 时称辽阳为东京(称大同为西京)。

3.日本国首都。位于本州岛东南部。人口1 177万(1995年)。是世界最 大城市之一,日本全国政治、文化、交通中心和最大的工商业中心。繁华闹市银座、商业区阳光城和世 界最高铁塔之一的东京塔都世界闻名。皇宫和上野公园是旅游胜地。


  1. 古都名。指 洛阳 。即今 河南省 洛阳 市。

    东汉 都 洛阳 ,因在 西汉 故都 长安 之东,故称“东京”。 隋炀帝 即位后,自 长安 迁都 洛阳 ,亦称 洛阳 为“东京”。

  2. 古都名。指 汴州 。即今 河南省 开封市 。

    五代 后晋 建都 汴州 ,改 汴州 为 开封府 ,建号“东京”。 五代 后汉 、 后周 以迄 北宋 均仍之。

  3. 代指 东汉 。

    《后汉书·皇后纪序》:“ 汉 仍其谬,知患莫改, 东京 皇统屡絶,权归女主。”《晋书·儒林传序》:“逮於 孝武 ,崇尚文儒,爰及 东京 ,斯风不坠。” 唐 刘知几 《史通·六家》:“自是 汉 世史官所续,皆以史记为名。迄乎 东京 ,著书犹称 汉 纪。” 章炳麟 《訄书·学变》:“ 东京 之衰,刑赏无章也。”


  • At a national sumo wrestling competition in Tokyo on Sunday, officials sprayed disinfectant on the hands of every spectator as they arrived.


  • In Tokyo Mr Obama and Mr Hatoyama promised to "move expeditiously" to settle the matter.


  • Toyota had not yet received any information on an embargo and was unable to comment, said Masami Doi, a spokesman for Toyota in Tokyo.


  • However, since the wards continued to be viewed as internal organizations of Tokyo Metropolis, various issues arose.


  • A few years ago, the then Japanese vice-finance minister in charge of all things yen was out with his aide at a Tokyo restaurant.


  • The move followed a warning from the French embassy on Monday to its nationals to leave Tokyo, citing concerns about further earthquakes.


  • TEPCO cannot see whether these have been the site of any sort of meltdown, because there is too much debris piled on top.


  • Tokyo to the company's supply of beef in a meat wholesaler explained: "Sales have not used for raw beef. "


  • Lehman is based in New York, with regional headquarters in London and Tokyo, and operates in a network of offices around the world.
