The successive approximation converter is of medium speed, and average resolution.
The rule of combination of symmetry operations is successive performance of them.
This is analogous to the successive approximation given by the terms of a Taylor expansion.
Any difference between values for successive occupations must be considered as a closure error.
There are two ways to perform successive approximation: using hardware and using software mixed with hardware.
实现逐次逼近的办法有两种: 使用硬件以及软、硬件混合使用.
Repeat the preparation of standards starting with pure solutions until successive calibration curves agree within 10 %.
The conversion process is a proprietary algorithmic successive - approximation technique.
Successive approximation method is directed to solve the peak modulation problems.
It is then hierarchically expanded to construct succesively higher next layers.
After verifying one after another , he finally commited his crime.
逐次对证后, 他终于承认了自己的罪行.
Once the barrier is breached, losses are incurred on a one - for - one basis.
一旦突破了这个关口, 损失是逐次计算的.
The successive approximation search can then be initiated.
Successive approximation method is adopted in the design, manufacture, and test of freeform optics.
自由曲面光学产品设计 、 制造与检测的工艺流程,通常采取试凑法逐次逼近.
In a hierarchical data base, the successive vertical dependencies of records or segments.
在层次型数据库中, 表示数据库元素记录或段的纵向逐次的相关性.
Next, the search adds folder one to the path and repeats the search.
随后, 搜索算法循环将文件夹路径逐次添加到结果当中.