Their healthy image disguises the fact that they are highly processed foods.
He inherited a poisoned chalice when he took over the job as union leader.
In spite of my outward calm I was very shaken.
They know everything, unfortunately they do not know anything else.
他们无所不通, 实则一无所通.
Brothers and sisters do not always agree as well as they should.
He was removed from the admiralty and effectively sidelined.
Their mutual teasing seemed friendly, but in fact it masked a long - standing hostility.
他们的相互逗弄看似友好, 但是实则掩盖了长久的敌意.
Beneath his smart, generous, unflappable exterior lurks massive insecurity.
他聪明大度 、 从容镇定的外表下实则潜藏着严重的危机感.
The worker appears to be a very rough diamond.
Peripateticism is actually saponaceous subsistence philosophy and the parry to the monologue.
Comment on: This regulation actually limits user exchange a purchase.
点评: 该规定实则限制用户退换.
But look now, this scale actually does not calculate too tall.
但现在看来, 这个比例实则不算太高.
These observations may seem commonplace, but they are actually quite profound.
以上观点看似老生常谈, 但实则意义深远.
In reality , a small number of are running the show.
现实则是, 只有一小撮人操控着局势.
While that judgment may sound innocuous, it is actually striking.
这一判决看似无足轻重, 实则意义深远.