Investors should be able to withdraw their money, he said, 'but you can't do it overnight. '
他说,投资者应该能够撤出资金,但不能一下子全撤走。"Falling back" takes the wind out of the customer's sails and makes it possible for you to have a conversation in which each side is OK.
“以退为进”把风从客户的帆船上撤走,使得谈判有可能以双方都能接受的方式继续进行。I remember the British pulling out of the place a few years ago, but I'm not sure what happened after that.
我记得几年前英国就已经撤走了,但那之后的事我不清楚。Now Obama merely wants Iraq to be the sort of place the U. S. can safely leave behind.
现在奥巴马仅想使伊拉克成为一个可以让美国放心地撤走的地方。The move signaled that policy makers were confident enough to remove one of their emergency props for the financial markets.
这一举动表明美国政府已经准备好撤走其金融市场中相当重要的一根支柱并对此成竹在胸。Britain will withdraw half of its troops from Afghanistan over the next two years.
英国在今后两年内,会撤走在阿富汗的一半驻军。If the US pulls out, the Taliban take over, as they have been as thoroughly aggravated as a hornet's nest kicked about like a football.
如果美国撤走,塔利班就会接管,因为他们已经彻底地恶化了,成一个马蜂窝,像踢足球一样被踢来踢去。'I don't think they are going to take away all the support for the economy at once, ' he said.
他说,我认为他们不会一次性地撤走对经济的所有支持。If you wish me to leave, I would quickly remove the excessive tableware.