The third chapter study the Hu Nan folk shadow play.
There are two basic kinds of dizi: the bangdi and the quid.
根据其 形制 长短,有梆笛、曲笛之分.
The researchers divided slips into three bundles on their form and length.
At injection forming procedure, for parting work need to utilize demolding mechanism.
在射出成形制程中,成品于模具中成形后, 需藉一套脱模机构,将成品从模具中脱离.
Octagonal stupa originated in Gandhara to adapt to the octagonal temple there.
The result shows that the braking disc affects the friction performance obviously.
Two questions: 1 . Not straight ridge, not right tip shape ; 2 . Zhongzheng Jian should have blood groove.
两个问题: 1、剑脊不直,剑尖的形制不对; 2、中正剑应该有血槽.
The machine has a quite novel design.
Five arch shape, the structure similar.
五座牌楼形制 、 结构相近.
According to above analysis, I summary characteristics of the institutional archetype Qian Mausoleum of Tang dynasty.
基于以上分析, 总结归纳唐乾陵建筑形制特点.
Ming and Qing dynasties have repair, but basically still out of shape and structure early.
明、清两代都有补修, 但基本上还是明初的形制和构造.
There are graves, chamber, brick rooms, and coffin , tombs dao and a variety of shapes.
有墓穴 、 洞室 、 砖室 、 木椁等多种,墓道和墓室有多种形制.
Hospital for regular shapes of the canopy floor, but a positive repair slightly north.
院内为形制规整的出檐楼, 只是正面的北方修得略高.
Because the epitaph is unearthed, the tomb becomes a standard of the same kind of ones.
因有墓志, 故其墓葬形制和梅瓶样式为鉴定同类墓葬形制和梅瓶的标尺.
For the remains of architecture, the archetypes mean inscape and structure of the remains.
对建筑遗址来讲, “形制布局”意味着遗址构成要素和其结构状况.