It was a bitter sweet moment, only her family and few close friends knew that Engrid had been stricken with the cancer the year before.
这是个悲喜交加的时刻,只有她的家人和几个亲近的朋友知道:在这前一年英格利患了乳腺癌。It was my final day at Melwood and I felt a mix of sadness and excitement as I arrived for training.
这是我在梅尔伍德的最后一天了,我悲喜交加,就跟刚来的时候一样百感交集。In his last phase, he wrote tragicomedies, also known as romances, and collaborated with other playwrights.
在他最后的阶段,他写了悲喜交加的事情,也称为浪漫史,并与其他剧作家合作。Lucie put her arms around the old man and held him, tears of happiness and sadness running down her face.
路茜伸出胳膊抱住了老人并搂紧他,悲喜交加的泪水滚下了脸颊。From our earliest days of independence, and in times of tragedy and triumph, Americans have come together to celebrate Thanksgiving.
从起初的独立到如今这个悲喜交加的时代,我们共同度过了每一个感恩节。The result is a bittersweet baby boom, the joy of each birth tempered by the rawness of the recent loss.
结果就是悲喜交加的生育高峰,新生命诞生的喜悦释缓了刚刚失去孩子的伤痛。During the exhibition gala, Kwan skated a tearful, bittersweet performance to Eva Cassidy's version of Fields of Gold.
在表演赛中,关颖珊满含热泪、悲喜交加地随着伊娃•卡茜迪演唱的歌曲《金色麦田》在冰上翩翩起舞。And that has many investors who have heard the siren call of the doom, gloom and boom crowd wondering if they're worried about nothing.
这让许多原来对此抱有警惕的人悲喜交加,认为自己或许是杞人忧天了。VINCENT VAN GOGH seemed made for a bittersweet Hollywood biopic.