Dancing or ballroom dancing in particular, used to be very popular among universities.
跳舞,跳交谊舞,原本在大学中是很流行的。Every night across China, couples of a certain age gravitate to open spaces and practice ballroom dancing.
每当夜幕降临,成群结对走出家门练习交谊舞的人们构成了中华大地上一道独特景观。I was so concerned with her perception of what I was doing, that it exploded in my face, never to return to the ballroom dancing club.
我很在意她对我的看法,急得一脸通红,之后再也不踏入交谊舞池。You might look at me and say, "That guy must be a ballroom dancer. "
你看到我,或许会说:“这家伙交谊舞肯定跳得不错。”action, he a social dance dance-like mode there, every time astronauts have to do a dance, fly games over his prospective.
动,他交谊舞跳得有模有样,每次航天员们办舞会,满场飞的准是他。She and Mr. Ho, who became honorary chairman of a new ballroom-dancing association, gradually developed a relationship, Ms. Leong said.
她说,她与何鸿燊逐渐发展成为恋人关系。当时,何鸿燊成为一个新成立的交谊舞协会的名誉主席。I looked a lot like an orangutan, our close cousins , or the Incredible Hulk -- not very good for ballroom dancing .
看上去很像我们的近亲大猩猩,或者说像绿巨人。实在是不适合跳交谊舞。Li Wanrong has learned to tango and cha-cha in her ballroom dance class.
在交谊舞课上,李婉容(音)学会了探戈和恰恰。The couple is the essential unit in Western forms of dance, whether it be ballet or modern, social dance or competitive ballroom activity.