After repair, armed police officers and soldiers rushed in earth-rock covered the surface soakage burst, effectively controlled.
经连夜抢修,武警官兵用土石覆盖了决堤处的水面,险情得到有效控制。More than 100, 000 troops and police have been deployed to help survivors and to rescue people trapped by rubble and landslides.
十万名解放军战士和武警官兵奔赴灾区,帮助受灾群众,并组织抢救因建筑倒塌和山体滑坡受困的居民。Every year, condolences to the Armed Police Force officers and men, living alone to the orphanage for disabled children and sending warmth.
每年都会到部队慰问武警官兵,到福利院为孤寡老人和残疾儿童送温暖。The rescue teams involving soldiers, government workers and the masses have started to search for survivors and victims.
有武警官兵、政府工作人员以及群众所组成的救援队今天已经开始进行搜救工作。By different means enhance their self-efficacy and improve their condition of mental health.
通过多种途径增强武警官兵的自我效能感;Armed police and soldiers were rushed to other troubled areas.
武警官兵被送往其他动乱地区。On prepares when the armed police officers and soldiers shifts him to the safety zone
就在武警官兵准备把他转移到安全地带时,A Study of Coping Style and Mental Health of Armed Police Soldier at the High Altitude
驻高原武警官兵应对方式特点及心理健康状况调查Analysis and Countermeasure on the Characteristics of Body Constitution Actuality for Armed Police Forces