汉语拼音:jīng wèi fēn míng
- 【解释】:泾河水清,渭河水浑,泾河的水流入渭河时,清浊不混。比喻界限清楚或是非分明。
- 【出自】:《诗经·邶风·谷风》:“泾以渭浊,湜湜其沚。”
- 【示例】:~缘底事,元戎总未计恩仇。
◎林伯渠《和朱总出太行韵》 - 【语法】:主谓式;作主语、谓语、宾语、定语;含褒义
The old welcome-mat seems to have been replaced by a "Love it or leave it" sign.
这种古老的“欢迎”垫似乎已被一道泾渭分明的“不爱它就走人”的标识给取代了。The practice goes back to a time when there was a clear distinction between professionals and laborers.
这个习惯要追溯到一个专业人士和劳动阶级泾渭分明的时代。But Saudi Arabia, Coll shows, is a place where the interests of rulers and revolutionaries are less easy to distinguish.
但是,科尔表示,在沙特阿拉伯,统治者与革命者间的利益划分很难做到泾渭分明。As a child, I feel the world is like my mothers stories, when the line between the right and wrong is always stream clearly.
当我还是个孩子的时候,世界就如同母亲讲的故事一般,对与错是如此的泾渭分明。"I was seeing more grey than I was seeing the clear black and white of wrongdoing, and my job was to find wrongdoing, " she says.
在不法行为里,我正在看到的更多是灰色地带,远多于泾渭分明的黑与白。而我的工作,就是发现不法行为。In fact, the logical truth and the factual truth are not entirely different, and the difference between them is not absolute.
实际上,逻辑真理和事实真理并非泾渭分明,二者的区别也不是绝对的。No clear-cut distinction can be drawn between professional and amateurs in science: exceptions can be found to any rule.
科学领域的专业人员和业馀爱好者之间划不出泾渭分明的界线:因为任何规则都有例外。No clear-cut distinction can be drawn between professional and amateurs in science: exception can be found to any rule.
在科学领域,专业人员和业余爱好者之间没一条泾渭分明的界线:任何规则都有例外。bsp; can be drawn between professional and amateurs in science: exceptions can be found to any rule.