Only the extremely rich could afford to lunch at the Mirabelle.
We had that man before us at the Old Bailey.'
我们在老贝勒见过面的. ”
Who made the Old Bailey a judge of beauty?
'You know the Old Bailey well, no doubt?'
“ 你对老贝勒很熟, 是 吗 ? ”
You was a spy - witness at the Bailey.
'Old Bailey spy ,'returned his informant.
“ 老贝勒的密探, ” 他的情报提供人说,“呀哈!
The most famous are the temples of Abu Simbel and Philae.
Jane Sadler, a family practitioner at Baylor , did the honors.
When Baylor full court, people looked at the ceiling with equanimity.
In Archdeacon's chamber ! Behind Kha - Beleth's idol!
在副主教的会所里! 卡贝勒斯的神像后!
Before the Clippers manager Elgin is playing - Baylor , the Clippers he was vice president of basketball operations.
之前,快船总经理是名宿埃尔金 -贝勒, 他还是快船篮球运营部副总裁.
Alaia's Beileixia NO 60 , Street storefront in Paris, the door signs called " Araya. "
阿拉亚的店面在巴黎的贝勒夏街60号, 门的招牌叫 “ 阿拉亚 ”.
Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine - Houston found that chewing gum boosts kids'math scores.
Brantley Scott , a urologist affiliated with the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.
Sibusiso Ndebele, transport minister a - speed rail link between the two cities as a priority in April.
今年4月, 南非交通部长西布西索?恩德贝勒(SibusisoNdebele)将上述两个城市间的高速铁路列为一项重点.